Privacy Policy

We may collect the following categories of personal information about you:

  • Identifiers such as a real name, postal address, email address, account name, telephone number, and employment;
  • Commercial information such as products purchased or considered or other purchasing histories or tendencies, product experiences, service history, finger saves; and internet activity information, such as interactions with a SawStop advertisement or a SawStop website.

We may collect this information from the following sources: information you provide when researching, buying, registering, or servicing a product; information you provide to SawStop, SawStop dealers, and service providers; your interactions with SawStop websites and SawStop advertisements.

We may collect and use this information for these purposes: notifying you about products and services, marketing promotions, soliciting sales, fulfilling sales, providing service, auditing the positioning and quality of ad impressions, and warranties.

We do not sell or share your personal information as described in California Civil Code §1798.140(ad) & (ah). We may give your identifiers and commercial information to SawStop dealers and service providers to contact you about SawStop products and/or services.

We intend to retain your personal information for the time necessary for the purposes identified above.

You may review or request deletion or correction of the information we collect about you by clicking on this link: Review, Delete, or Correct Personal Information.

We will not discriminate against a consumer for exercising rights under this policy.

We have not sold or shared consumers’ personal information in the preceding 12 months.

A list of the categories of personal information we have disclosed about consumers for a business purpose in the preceding 12 months follows: identifiers, commercial information.