Home Why Sawstop Why Sawstop Engineered in Oregon. Engineered for You. The first table saws were designed in the late 1800’s. The core design of most of today’s table saws was born in the 1950s. Over the past 60 years, companies build saws by looking at the competition and selecting already-created components to cobble together a complete tool. SawStop saws are different. Each SawStop model is designed and engineered by woodworkers, for woodworkers from the ground up. We take advantage of the freedom, and take on the obligation, to make a different and better tool. Our engineers avoid off-the-shelf components and old designs in favor of practical innovation. Our engineers know that the right materials, whether cast-iron or steel, are just as important as advanced technology. And the right time to use advanced electronics is when they improve the experience of the operator, never for an advertising gimmick. All we make are table saws. Table saws are what we think about over our morning coffee, and what we talk about on our lunch breaks. Welcome to our obsession. An Uncommon Experience Many SawStop owners mention their surprise at the quality of our table saws. Why are our saws surprising? While our safety system is unparalleled and groundbreaking, our engineering, materials, build quality and support are not the result of a secret and unrepeatable process. Manufacturers throughout the tool industry could take similar steps, and see better results. But they don’t take those steps. It turns out that quality saws are hard work. We work hard at every step, focused on giving our customers a better experience. For us, our focus begins with SawStop safety. This company is here because our saws will look out for you. It only makes sense that we deliver on all the ways we can take care of you. It makes sense that each one of our team members would want to ensure you are thrilled with your saw. We are a privately owned company. All we make are table saws. We take pride in our work, so you can take pride in yours. Give us a call. Stop in a store. Ask a friend. Give SawStop a try. You deserve a table saw built with this much care. It’s your turn. Learn More About SawStop Safety Technology Quality